My very understanding wife (understanding of my motorcycle hobby) brought home some underwear for me yesterday, an event not usually worthy of blogging. One pair has motorcycles on them. I casually glanced at them as usually the print is some generic cruiser, classic or Universal Japanese type silhouette found on traffic signs. Ahh, but my wife is a smart lady – these made me take a second look – at first they seemed like British bikes, then a closer look – hold the phone – that looks like a Norton Fastback – a FASTBACK – yes it actually is a Norton Fastback. Check out the distinctive primary case shape, the tailpiece, and the side-panel/oil-tank, and judging by the exhaust it’s a ’68-69. (It’s the top one for those that don’t know….)
I am pleased as punch – I can actually compete with the Harley drones that are decked out head to toe in official HD garb.
My apologies to those who thought this was about BMW spark-plugs.