CVMG People’s Choice
CVMG People’s Choice

CVMG People’s Choice

June 2017

At the 2017 Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group’s Paris National Rally, my 1970 Norton Fastback won the People’s Choice award for British bikes! I was totally surprised as I wasn’t even going to enter the bike. I found out at the end of the day when someone told me that I had won!

This was a super nice validation of all the work and effort I’ve put into this bike. It’s also great to see that bikes that are not concours-perfect are appreciated.

[vsw id=”258930800″ source=”vimeo” width=”550″ height=”309″ autoplay=”no”]

A colleague of mine saw my Commando in the parking lot and asked if it could be used for a photography class student photo-shoot. They brought in lights, smoke and some cheesy props and had fun. A student made a video, but I recut the video as I didn’t like the music and it was a bit long.


  1. Peter Cooper

    Very impressive restoration of the Fastback.
    I am intrigued as it appears that there is no ridge on tail section is this correct?
    I have a 68 Fastback and no ridge and have been wondering if this was export model as all pictures at Earls Court have a ridge with Norton logo.