November 30, 2010

One of my purchasing requirements was that the boat had to be in “drop in the water and go” condition. Given my penchant for things that need restoration, my time limitations with a full time job and young family – I didn’t need another project. That doesn’t mean the boat couldn’t use some work – but there was nothing that would prevent me from just going sailing in the spring, like a hole in hull, or a dead inboard motor.
However, every boat needs maintenance, so here’s my list in a loose order of what needs to be done ending in make work projects:
install holding tank (have hoses)done! replaced all hoses, added antisiphon loop- replace port seals or upgrade to modern flush mounted plexi –
almostdone! - polish and wax hull wow – a two day full throttle attack!
- overhaul winches – 3 out of 3 done.
reseal chainplatesdone!remove and refinish misc brightwork – little bits-donerepair and refinish original teak hatchboards–one down, 1 to godone!- outboard: starter? does it run? – turns over, compression test & spark =ok, repaired grounding stop button
- stepped-down power for: GPS, stereo & iPod from main battery
bah, don’t need - refinish motor lift & rudder mounts (teak)
- inspect, repair, refill compass –replaced with new Plastimo
- inspect, diagnose, repair/replace knot meter – terminal…. use hand held gps
- sand hull & paint? – new coat of vc17, yearly
- investigate condition of original teak & holly flooring
- real woodveneer on bulkhead- remove plastic woodgrain
- new cupboard doors & hardware – plastic woodgrain surface
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